Where we act

The headquarters of the Pere Tarrés Foundation are in Barcelona, although we also have branches in Tarragona, Manresa, Malloca and Madrid. However, our educational and social action has been reaching more and more places in Catalonia, and our goal is to spread it even further. For this reason, we also have a significant presence in civil society in the rest of the Spanish state, and we participate in European and international training sessions and programmes.


We federate nearly 200 free-time activity centres  in the dioceses of Barcelona, Lleida, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Solsona, Tarragona, Terrassa, Tortosa, Urgell, Vic and Girona.

We federate a network of 41 social and educational centres located mostly in the Barcelona metropolitan area.

We run 17 summer camp buildings throughout the Catalan territory.

In addition, both our social and educational programmes as well as training services in leisure education and social action commute to the municipalities in Catalonia that require and request them.

We have branches in Tarragona, Manresa, Mallorca and Madrid.


In 2016, we opened a branch in Balearics to promote the operations of the island’s free-time activity centres, which until then had made up the GDEM and which transitioned to form part of the Movement of Catalan Christian Free-time Activity Centres (MCECC for its initials in Catalan). Currently, we have 11 free-time activity centres in Mallorca and 2 centres in Menorca joined the MCECC-Pere Tarrés Foundation and 3 socio-educational projects (2 in Mallorca and 1 in Menorca) have been promoted to care for children in situations of social vulnerability. This delegation also promotes educational and social projects in the Balearic Islands.

Since the year 2000, we have also had a headquarters in Madrid, with a facility with an educational and youth vocation, La Inmaculada, university residence. We also have a federated leisure center in the province of Castelló. We act as intermediaries with a network of holiday homes that extends through Madrid, Aragon, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, the Basque Country and Cantabria.

One of our goals is to work toward improving and strengthening the social fabric and for over 30 years we have provided insurance policies for leisure and volunteer work. One of the Pere Tarrés Foundation’s most important activities outside Catalonia is education, principally online learning in social action and leisure. Many activities and projects are accomplished by working with the local organizations of each territory.

We participate in state-level projects and offer training, educational programmes and consulting for local and autonomous-community administrations, financial entities and businesses.

Rest of the world

The Pere Tarrés Foundation forms part of, and undertakes initiatives and projects with, a number of international organizations.

  • BICE. Boureau International Catolique de l’Enfance (a través de CCCCCE)
  • IYHF. International Youth Hostel Federation
  • FIMCAP. International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements (through CCCCCE)
  • FIUC. International Federation of Catholic Universities (through Ramon Llull University)

The Pere Tarrés Faculty has exchange agreements with over 60 social entities and international universities. Its students have the opportunity to complete internships in international cooperation for development in social entities in developing countries. The Pere Tarrés Faculty runs training programmes in cooperation with other universities from around the world.

It also participates in European and international projects involving educational programmes, training in leisure and social action, advising and studies.