To learn more about the responsibilities, powers and functions of each body, see
The board of trustees is made up of professionals with recognized experience in sectors related to the Foundation's activity, such as the business, academic, social and ecclesial world.
The position of patron is honorary and free, they do not receive any financial compensation for their functions. Their relationship with the Foundation is included in the Statutes, the Code of Ethics and the Conflict of Interest Policy.
Annual agreements of Pere Tarrés Foundation Board of Trustees here
Corporate governance report - year 2023
Image: meeting of the Board of trustees, advisory council and group of friends (February 2023)
Sr. Xavier Pomés i Abella | President
Sr. Oriol Pinya i Salomó | Vice president
Pare Josep F. Mària Serrano, SJ. | Chaplain
Sra. Anna Sansalvadó i Alsina | Vice Secretary
Sra. Gisela Valderrama i Lombarte | Member
Sra. Inés de Caralt i Casanova | Member
Sr. Miguel Vidal-Quadras i Trias de Bes | Member
Sr. Mauricio Canals i Ramoneda | Member
Sr. Francesc Figueras i Gudàs | Member
Sr. Constantí Serrallonga i Tintoré | Member
Sr. Salvador Busquets i Vila | Member
Sra. Marta Ventura Arasanz | Member
Sr. Ignacio Toda Jiménez | Secretary (not belonging to the board of trustees)
It is the body in charge of the management and daily operations of the entity. It is headed by the General Director.
Josep Oriol Pujol i Humet
General Director
Eva Moya Caro
Deputy Director General and Educational and Social Programs Director
Rafael Ruiz de Gauna i Torres
Deputy General Director and Director of Training, Consulting and Studies and Xarxa of Socio-Educational Centers
Anna Grau Jiménez
President of the Movement of Catalan Christian Free-time Activity Centres
Albert Riu i Mas
Director of Holiday Camp Services
Joan-Andreu Rocha Scarpetta
Dean of the Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work - URL
Created in 2001, its mission is to help guide the Foundation in its social work. Its members have been recognized for both their personal and professional value and come from different backgrounds: business, educational, social, cultural, political and journalistic.
Mr. Joan Batlle i Bastardas
Director of Social Housing Programmes
Mr. Jacint Boixasa
Former director of Heritage of the Catalan Government and Member of PRÁCTICA LEGAL GLOBAL CORPORATE
Mr. Josep Mª Carbonell
Former president of the Catalan Audiovisual Council
Mr. Ignasi Carreras
Former director of INTERMÓN-OXFAM and senior lecturer at ESADE
Mr. Josep Maria Casasús i Guri
Journalist and university professor
Mr. Enric Cases
Centre d'Esplai Flor de Neu fee-time activity centre of Sant Vicenç dels Horts
Mr. Àngel Castiñeira
Professor at ESADE
Mr. Josep Cerveró
Tourism consultant
Mr. Josep Maria Coronas
Lawyer, Coronas Advocats S.L.
Mr. Jordi Costa
Former President of the Pere Tarrés Foundation Businessman
Mr. Francesc Escribano
Former Director of Televisió de Catalunya (the Catalan public TV)
Ms. Esperança Esteve
Former Member of the Spanish Congress
Mr. Pere Galí
Consultant Member, Business Consulting
Mr. Ignasi Garcia i Clavel
Assistant to the Catalan Ombudsman
Mr. Amadeu Juan
Former director of Gas Natural
Mr. Joan Martorell
Ms. Núria Mollà i Trill
Psychologist and educator
Mr. Ramon Nicolau
Technical consultant of Welfare in the Government of Andorra
Mr. Ernesto Poveda
President of ICSA RRHH
Mr. Santiago Ramentol
Former member of the Catalan Audiovisual Council and currently at the Internet Quality Agency
Mr. Salvador Rovira
Businessman of Consultores de Organización Contable
Mr. Albert Sáez
Assistant Director of the newspaper El Periodico de Catalunya
Mr. Josep Maria Sanclimens
Businessman and founder of Tribuna Barcelona
Mr. Isidoro Torrescusa
Manager of the Parochial Schools Foundation
Ms. Maravillas Rojo
President of Abacus
Mr. Joan Puigcercós
Catalan politician and businessman
Mr. Eva Mª Granados Galiano
Member of the Parliament of Catalonia
Sra. Núria Mora Lorente
Project Director Barcelona Education Consortium
Sr. Antoni Burgaya Trullàs
Former general director Escola Pia de Catalunya
Since 2011, we have had the support of a group of businessmen and managers who generate synergies to create a collaborative network of individuals and organizations to improve the situation of groups in vulnerable situations that the Foundation serves.
The Foundation
How we do
Transparency portal
Sustainability and environment
Ethical commitment
Promoting equality
Recognition and awards
Who endorses and supports us
Charity projects
How to help
Transparency and accountability
Frequently asked questions