Facilities and services

La Inmaculada university residence in Madrid is made up of three separate buildings where you’ll find rooms with a variety of features.

Single and double rooms with private bath

Single and double rooms
with private bath

Single rooms with shared bath

Single rooms
with shared bath

Common areas


All rooms include the following features:

Natural light.

Aluminium window closures and exterior views of the garden, Calle Darro or Calle Fray Juan Gil.

All rooms and baths are heated.

Desk with drawers, shelves, adjustable lamp and ergonomic chair.

Ceiling fans with light.

Wi-fi throughout the entire student residence.

Full board every day of the week.

All common areas in the university residence include:

  • All common living areas in La Inmaculada residence are heated. Study rooms, TV rooms, the dining room and multi-use spaces are also air conditioned.
  • Internet access throughout the residence via Wi-fi network.
  • Computer room with high-speed internet connection and printers.
  • TV and break rooms where you can watch the latest series or enjoy a good film.
  • Dining room where our chefs prepare quality, healthy, homemade and Mediterranean-style breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day of the week.
  • Furnished gardens and chill-out zone where you can chat with your friends, have a coffee, read the newspaper or take your laptop outside in the fresh air.
  • Solarium where you can relax and take advantage of the typical Madrid sunshine.
  • Gym to help you stay in shape when you can’t go for a run or escape to the sierra.
  • Climbing wall and ping-pong to burn adrenaline, disconnect and have some laughs with your new floormates and friends at the student residence in Madrid.
  • Cleaning of room once a week.
  • Self-serve laundromat.
  • Private security.
  • Vending machines in case you need a snack at any time of the day.
  • Coworking spaces.
  • Bicycle parking if you like to get to class by bike or go for weekend rides.
  • Monday through Friday maintenance staff.
  • Student attention 24 hours a day.