Casal l'Esperança holiday home | Ogassa

Mas Can Cristo, 17861 Ogassa

Casal l’Esperança is an old farmhouse fitted out as a holiday home, situated in the middle of the Cavallera mountain range, in the municipality of Ogassa, in the province of Girona. It has an outstanding panoramic view of all the mountains and a rich selection of excursions, routes and walks through the valleys of Camprodon, Núria, Ribes and Sant Joan de les Abadesses.

Make a pre-booking
74 beds
Open only in summer
Full board
Swimming pool (check opening dates)
Green route
Parking area

Ogassa is known for its coal mining, from the 17th century and until 1967, when the last mines were closed. This was key to the prosperity of the area and brought the railway to Ripollès to transport coal to Barcelona. 

The landscape of birch, beech, oak and Scots pine, the large number of natural springs, caves and grottos, along with the number of fossils often found, are among the qualities that make this a truly privileged place. 

The house has rooms with 8 and 6 beds, kitchen and several rooms for a variety of activities. Outside, there is a swimming pool, a forest for games, an esplanade for sports and a football field.


Outdoor facilities

  • Swimming pool
  • Bathroom block
  • Esplanade for sports
  • A local wood for games
  • Parking spaces
  • Football pitch

Indoor facilities

Ground floor
  • Kitchen and larder
  • Dining rooms
  • 2 bathroom blocks
  • 8 rooms with 8 beds each
  • 2 rooms with 6 beds each
  • Infirmary with 4 beds and bathroom


  • 2 single rooms

Lower level

  • Large workshop suitable for up to 80 people
  • Equipment room
  • Laundry room with covered clotheslines
  • Multiple rooms with shared bathroom
  • Rooms with 4, 6 and 8 beds

Routes and itineraries

There are loads of excursions to do on foot: to the Romanesque church (11th century) in Sant Martí d’Ogassa, 1 and a half hours away; the Romanesque church (11th century) in Sant Martí de Surroca, just 10 minutes away; 30 minutes to Collada de la Creu – Fadrinalla; 1 hour and a half to Pla d’en Plata; 1 hour to the Montserrat mountain refuge (direction Coll de Pal); 2 hours to the Sant Jordi mountain refuge (direction Coll de Jou); 3 hours to the peak of Puig Estela (2,007 metres); 3 hours to the peak of Taga (2,035 metres); 3 hours to the Sant Amand range (1,854 metres); 2 and a half hours to Camprodon (by mountain path); Pardines - Ribes - Núria (1 overnight stay); 1 hour to Sant Joan de les Abadesses; 3 hours to Ripoll along the old train track; to Molló Park, in Camprodon. 

Another of the routes worth visiting is that of the Surroca-Ogassa mining basin. The itinerary begins in Ogassa, in a small housing area known as Surroca de Baix, an old mining colony created in 1870 to provide services and housing to the miners who worked in the coal mines in the area. 

You can also visit the monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll, a Benedictine monastery founded around the year 880, which highlights the main entrance, the basilica and the cloister. 

In Camprodon you can visit the emblematic Pont Nou, built in the 12th century; the Sant Pere monastery, Romanesque in style; or Santa Maria church. You can also enjoy the charm of the lanes which are typical of the Catalan Pyrenees. 

In Sant Joan de les Abadesses you can visit the monastery, the abbey palace, the ecomuseum El Molí Petit, among other places of interest.


ISO 9001:2015

Technical data

Statutory number CC000134

Statutory number Casal de l'Esperança


GPS Coordinates: N 42º 25’ 49.1’’ / E 1º 07’ 50.3’

Renfe to La Pobla de Segur

ALSA – Alsina Graells

Private car

  • Barcelona: take the A-2 until the 517 exit to the L-303 towards Agramunt / North Cervera, continue to the C-14 following the signs to Isona/Tremp, Sort and Rialp.
  • Girona: go towards Vic and the go via Manresa, Calaf, Torà, Ponts, Tremp, Sort and Rialp.
  • Tarragona: go towards Reus and take the A-2 to Lleida, then go to Balaguer, Tremp, Sort and Rialp