TRS/ASS outgoing mobility

TRS/ASS (teaching and administrative staff) outgoing mobility

International mobility is not only for students! Our faculty promotes the internationalisation of teaching and administrative services and provides its teaching and administrative staff with support for their mobility projects through the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility programme.

Teaching and research staff (TRS) is eligible for both Teaching Mobility and Training Mobility grants, depending on whether they wish to enjoy teaching or non-teaching mobility.

Administrative and service staff (ASS) is only eligible for training grants (Training Mobility).

Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility

This programme allows teaching staff from our faculty to spend a teaching period (at least five hours plus the possibility of carrying out other activities) at a higher education institution in another European country. The programme covers a maximum of five working days (travel and expenses).

Erasmus+ Training Staff Mobility

This programme allows teaching and administrative staff to visit a higher education institution in another European country, for example to participate in an international week or to discover the functioning of a department at the partner university and learn from its experiences and good practices. The programme covers a maximum of five working days of training (travel and expenses).

The host centre must be a signatory of the Erasmus Charter and must have an Erasmus+ agreement for lecturer exchange with the Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work – URL.