Freiburg International Seminar

For more than 30 years, the Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work – URL has been holding an annual international seminar during the second academic semester with the Faculty of Social Work at the Catholic University of Freiburg.

The seminar includes:

Catholic University of Freiburg

The possibility to meet and work with 15 social work students from the Catholic University of Freiburg using international English as a language for communication.

Spain and Germany

To study in depth and compare the different social situations in Spain and Germany through various seminars and lectures given by experts.


A one-week visit to the Catholic University of Freiburg and various social initiatives at the university (second academic semester).


Hosting students from the Catholic University of Freiburg for a week so that they can get to know the social situation in Barcelona (second academic semester).

Who can take part in the Freiburg programme?
Students on degree courses in Social Work and Social Education from 1st to 4th year who have enrolled in the Seminar (second semester of each year).