
“Helping them Grow” covers all the projects of the Pere Tarrés Foundation, which aims to reduce social inequalities and ensure thousands of children at risk of social exclusion can take part in activities providing education through leisure throughout the year at socioeducational centres, on school trips and at summer camps and playschemes.

Thanks to the support of individuals, organisations and businesses, we can make it possible.

1 // Other amounts

Select one of the boxes (orientative imports). You can make your aid regular to help all children during the school year (monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, four-monthly, six-monthly or annual) or it can be a one-off payment.:

These are examples of where the donations will go, which will be used depending on the needs of the moment.

2 // contact information (* Required fields)

Your address

To disgrace your donations to your next personal income tax or corporation tax, we need your postal address and your NIF or CIF

3 // method of payment

Select one of the boxes (orientative imports). You can make your aid regular to help all children during the school year (monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, four-monthly, six-monthly or annual) or it can be a one-off payment.:

If you want to make the donation by bank transfer, these are our account numbers:
CaixaBank: ES80 2100 0435 5102 0019 0260
Fiare: ES81 1550 0001 2100 1161 7529

The data controller is the Pere Tarrés Foundation, residing in C/ Numància n. 149 in Barcelona (08029)

The purpose of this processing is to manage your request and dispatch informative notifications about our activities.

Exercise of rights. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability, limitation of processing and not be subject to automated individual decisions by writing to the controller’s address.

Further information :

Complete the donation

Contact us:
T. 93 430 16 06
[email protected]

Access the "Bizum" option of your banking application and once there, see the "Donate to an NGO" button and enter the number 33442.